There is no doubt in my clinical experience that a couple getting care with acupuncture, herbs and nutrition improve their health and chances of conceiving. It is difficult to mimic the outcome of working with an experienced clinician into an evidence based study.
There are many studies that try to do this and the one that most mimics a real clinical setting is one by my acupuncture research hero Lee Hullender-Rubin. Lee’s study showed that services such as ours significantly increase live birth rates over no treatment.
A recent study was published, albeit with a small sample size of only 164 patients, that showed acupuncture significantly improved IVF outcomes. They only used standard sets of acupuncture points for every subject rather than varied points that would be used in an acupuncture clinic.
“Acupuncture will considerably improve the result of IVF as compared to the control group.” – World Journal of Acupuncture – Moxibustion Volume 26, Issue 3,
Although the study was not a Whole Systems approach that is used in my clinic it did show the acupuncture treatments improved outcome more than by chance alone.