Chinese Herbal Medicine

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Chinese herbal medicine has a long recorded history of effectiveness in treating reproductive issues in both women and men. Texts dating back to 200 CE are the foundations of gynecological formulas we use today. The first known manuscript devoted solely to gynecology and obstetrics, The Complete Book of Effective Prescriptions for Diseases of Women, was published in China in 1237.

The goal of Chinese herbal formulas is to restore the patient’s health and thereby increase her chances of conception and a successful pregnancy. They interact with acupuncture and other traditional Chinese medical treatments to support the body’s own desire to be balanced, calm, healthy, and fertile.

Does modern research provide any proof of the efficacy of Chinese herbal medicine in fertility support? Yes, two recent studies come to robust conclusions. One shows that a “Chinese medicine systems approach” that includes herbal medicine is significantly more successful at producing a live birth than no treatment at all. In addition, a recent research article showed that Chinese herbal medicine treatment doubled the rate of pregnancy among research subjects over a four-month period:

Our review suggests that management of female infertility with Chinese herbal medicine can improve pregnancy rates two-fold within a four-month period compared with Western medical fertility drug therapy or IVF.” Complement Ther Med. 2011 Dec;19(6):319-3

In addition, here is a nice little anecdotal article on Chinese herbal medicine from a London fertility clinic. You can get your herbs in capsules so you don’t taste them.

Rest assured that the herbal medicines we use are all from certified Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) laboratories.  Many of the raw medicinals we use are from a company called Spring Wind and have higher standards of excellence and lower pesticide levels than most of the organic foods you can buy.


Hullender Rubin LE1, Opsahl MS2, Wiemer KE2, Mist SD3, Caughey AB3. Impact of whole systems traditional Chinese medicine on in-vitro fertilization outcomes. Reprod Biomed Online. 2015 Jun;30(6):602-12. PMID: 25911598. [PubMed] [Read by QxMD]
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