New IVF Procedure Can Improve Implantation Rate


Check out this article about new technology that can determine the most optimal time to implant an embryo. Some Reproductive Endcrinologist and researchers believe that some reasons why embryo transfers are not successful is because the uterine lining is not ready to receive.

This article talks about how new technology can help time the transfer when there is an optimal uterine environment. It is not ready for prime time as it is costly and involves a uterine biopsy and gene analysis. However IVF technology is advancing at a rapid pace therefore should this prove to improve outcomes in just 1 in 10 cases it may become part of a standard IVF workup.

However it must be pointed out that acupuncture and in particular Whole Systems Chinese medicine increases live birth success by this rate already. In addition it has added health benefits that technology cannot offer.

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